Camp Blue Diamond is in the midst of the 'Upon This Firm Foundation' capital campaign. A goal of $650,000 for four building projects was established. As of December 2021, Camp has reached $700,000 in pledges for the projects and an additional $52,500 pledged toward the Reserve for Replacement Fund.
There are 4 Building Projects:
1. Campground Utility Improvements: New underground electrical and water lines replaced the existing ones in the Family Campground. Cost was about $140,000. (Project completed May 2018)
2. Office Renovation: The former Shop Building was renovated to include a reception area, a large workroom, offices for the Executive and Program Directors, and a bathroom. Cost was approximately $50,000. (Project completed Dec. 2019)
3. Family Campground Washhouse: A new central washhouse with restrooms and showers will replace the two existing smaller ones. A new well was also dug. Cost for this project will be about $80,000. (Construction completed in 2023).
4. Multi-purpose/Recreation Building: The Multi-purpose Building will have a large single room suitable for rainy day recreation for summer camp, outdoor school and retreat groups. Other features will include a kitchen, men's, women's and family bathrooms, and a fireplace big enough for large group campfires. It will be located between the Main Lodge and the Nature Center. Other large group activities like the Heritage Fair Auction, District Conference, and dinners could be held in the facility. Cost will be approximately $350,000. (Plans to begin in 2023.)
Floor Plan for Multi-Purpose Building
Reserve for Replacement Fund: A fund for maintenance and building needs will be established so the Camp Blue Diamond facility will remain in good repair, and future building needs can benefit new generations. Specific gifts designated by givers will go toward this fund. Extra gifts beyond the $650,000 goal not used for the building projects will go into this fund.
Fundraising occurred between late 2016 and 2018. Church visits occurred in 2017. Gifts will be collected until the end of 2022. If you have questions concerning the Capital Campaign or the projects, or would like to make a gift, contact Camp Blue Diamond.
Floor Plan for New Camp Office